Wednesday, February 11, 2015

One brick at a time.....

One look at the inside of my house, and you know there is a problem! In fact, you may not even have to get to the front door to know!  A hoarder lives here!  I didn't plan it that way, I do not want to be a hoarder, but a hoarder is part of who I am today!  I am trying to change my ways, I beat myself up, others beat me up, I try, I fail, I try again and I fail again!  I don't know if this time will be different, but I am trying....AGAIN!  One thing you have to admit, is I am persistent!  And while I am sure its different this time, only time will really tell!

My progress has been slow, I joined some online groups on FB, that address organization, hoarding and other emotional garbage!  I say that, because I know it is more than organization!  I can organize!  Stacks of boxes, mail, piles of papers, things all carefully placed atop an ever growing hoard!  Occasionally I swing too wide with a fat hip and things go flying!  Sort of like an elephant in a tutu, you just know something is going to happen here!

I've watched the shows on hoarding, thinking to myself, I am one step from being the crazy lady with mice in her house!  And while that has been my mantra for a bit....well that I am not "that" bad!  The fact is, inside I am just as crazy as a box of schizophrenic squirrels.  No one can help me!  I am my own worst enemy!  I hear people say things like it will do magic!  "Just chuck it!"  Uh, I don't think you understand my problem!  I can't "just chuck it!"  That's the problem!  I am trapped by it, I am attached in very unnatural ways to it, and I am tired of it!

So now, what is different this time?  I think its that I have stopped hiding it!  I don't care any more!  Actually that is not true, I still care plenty, but I have stopped acting like it isn't a problem any more!  Not that anyone hasn't tried to tell me that (like I am deaf, dumb and blind!).  Its like saying to a fat person "Just stop eating so much!".  Yes, BUT......and there you have it!  Yes, but I am ill!  Yes, but you can't touch it!  Yes, but you can't help me!  Its a long list, best to just know, I have to do it myself!  If I could get someone to help me, I would, few people can help because most of them, sensing the trouble, say just chuck it!  Because that's what they would do!

So anyways, back to the brick.....I made my office GROUND ZERO!  It is my last stand, my Alamo if you will!  It is the epicenter of my problem of disorganization and in some ways, more devoid of emotional triggers, except if I come across a card from the kids, or my nieces and nephews, or my now passed Grammas.  Or pictures!  Or journals!  Ok, so there are a few bombs in here to detonate!  The good thing is, they take up little room in the scheme of things and if that was all I need to keep, I am fine with that (I have gathered them all up in small boxes!).  I have shredded, tossed, filed and organized my papers, trash, files, bills, etc.  I am in the home stretch!

I am literally down to less than 10 boxes.  It has gotten a little more challenging as the pile has dwindled downwards,  Some of the boxes have been thinned more than once!  I know all the rules say touch it once and do one of the following:  Toss, shred, file-but I am a little more crazy than some of the other hoarder squirrels!  I try to touch it once, but occasionally, I have to touch it a few times before tossing it!  Thats okay, as long as I am making progress!  And that's the thing, I am making progress!

It might be on the slow side, but my tossing muscle has gotten stronger and my attachment to "things" is getting less!  The pull on me to keep it all, is no longer a death grip!  Will I make it?  Time will tell!  For now, each box is a brick in my future self, building up my strength, my resolve and my ability to let go!  Its also a brick off my chest!  No longer does the idea of someone coming over make me crazy!  I have a spot for them to sit in my office!  I can find my bills so I can pay them!  Well, if there is enough money to, I can!

This is a photo of my expanding space, my new company spot, my one spot in the house that is comfy, warm and bright!  It isn't covered in boxes of paper, it isn't hoarded up with pens, paper clips and staplers!  I am inspired to continue and keep going!  I feel lighter, mentally more stable!  Even if you look inside and see the crazy squirrels in me, there are less of them now!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Getting help and staying motivated..........

I have joined a few groups to help me stay on track, to share my progress, or lack thereof, and to do some of the challenges posted.  Some were a bit too strenuous for me just getting started, and I have devoted myself to completing the office, before moving onto another room!

However, I have managed to do a couple of mini challenges and found these are quite easy to do, usually take 5-15 minutes to do and then you are done!  Progress without pain!  I'm in!  I find that even if I am not able to do the big ones (de-cluttering your kitchen from top to bottom was way too challenging for me right now!),  But I was able to do a plastic bag challenge and a condiment and take-out challenge.  Both took about 5 minutes to gather up and toss, donate or keep.  On the plastic bag one, I bundled up ones to drop at the recycling bin at my local store for plastic bags, I kept a few for lining my small baskets and can run through the house and pull them daily if needed!  The condiments, I tossed!

Condiments I tossed!

Plastic bags and trash cans!
It has cleared small but troublesome items and allowed me to keep what I need and pass on the stuff I do not!  Believe it or not, this is a help to me, to allow me to continue in my baby steps, still making progress, maybe not at the speed of light, but is progress!

Do you have any thing that helps you?  Please feel free to share!

A Dirty Little Secret

I know most of us have a dirty little secret room, closet, drawer or shelf that we just try and keep closed off from our minds and company.  But sometimes, (usually when company is coming to stay), we make the mad dash to clean up our act and make ourselves whole in one afternoon.  Forgetting, oh yeah, we put the ironing board in there, ok, and maybe a few baskets of the babies clothes (he's now 17) that we were going to donate, a broken lamp, bits and pieces of old computers, linens to beds we do not have any more, etc.

Why oh why did we let this problem grow unchecked like this?  Why are we such pigs?  Why didn't the kids pick up that dirty dish and put it in the dishwasher?  Of course so and sos Mom just HAS to stay here!  Why can't she just stay at a hotel?  I'm willing to pay for it?!  Oh who am I kidding?!  That woman just is dying to see what a mess I am!

So, now that we have calmed down from our anxiety attack, we have to get down to the nitty gritty of it!  We could just slop everything into garbage bags and hide it in the garage till she leaves, and tell her something died in the garage, so she doesn't look out there!  Wait, that will not work, that's how the garage got where we can't even park any of our cars in there.

Let's start with the simple stuff, the ironing board!  Put it where it belongs, don't have a place for it?  Find a closet door, hang 2 hooks and put that puppy on the hooks and close the door!  Next!  That broken lamp.....yes you paid way too much for it and now it is broken.  Sit down and fix it right now!  Oh no?  Then toss it, if you won't fix it now and haven't fixed it since it made its way in there 2 years ago, its not going to happen!  LET IT GO!

Ok, the baskets of baby clothes?  If they truly are good, pack them in a bag and put them in your car to drop off for donation, do it now!  If not, give it up, toss them!  So far, so good!  You can see floor, you can see bed and oh boy, you can see dust!  Strip the bed, damp cloth, wipe all flat surfaces, edges, furniture and what nots.  Get the vacuum out and vacuum everything, floor, ceiling, drapes, tops of doorways and windows, and baseboards.  Maybe take those dusty drapes down and wash them too?!

Now onto laundry!  Sort and wash, dry and return to the room.  Redress the bed and curtains.  Room should be presentable enough for company now!  A little spritz of Febreeze, or Linen Spray to freshen the room.  Now, for the rest of the house.......just burn it!  LOL!