The phrase for the week is "Steady as she goes". Mounds of paper and boxes have found new homes via the shredder and trash can, and other, more important documents have made their way into binders and files. Office supplies abound and have been corralled into boxes, bins and shelves. I have reached a small place of nirvana with a small rug, a chair, a cleaned fireplace hearth, a little ambiance to the fireplace, and some well deserved pats on the back!
I have to say, the rewards actually, have been many and the little spots of sunshine, a welcomed break from the tedious sorting, shredding, filing, and tossing. It helps to keep me on task and focus on how important it is to have order develop out of the chaos!
I am including a few pictures of the highs and lows of my progress so far!
This little cabinet, freshly repaired and ready to hold pens, pencils, markers and other needed office supplies. |
Found the knob, and promptly repaired it with my adhesive cement. Just keeping that in my desk drawer helped to make a number of quick repairs! |
One of several bags o files and paper shredded and boxes tossed! |
Before shot of the fireplace-not so nice! |
Fireplace cleaning. |
Cleaned fireplace with "glowing embers" added and the andirons spruced up. Looking better, no? |
My cozy little fireplace, free of boxes of papers, clutter and a sweet spot to sit and read and warm my feet and let the dogs warm their little hinnys. The floors need to be redone, but for now, they will have to do, as there is no money in the tight budget to replace them, just yet! |
Just a little screen shot of what has happened this week! It may not seem like much, but the feeling is tremendous. It feels lighter and airier in my little library/office. The dust level has come down considerably and I can see the floor. There is still much to do, but I feel good about my progress and I am not regretting anything I've tossed or gotten rid of.
My focus for the rest of the week, is to continue going through the boxes of paper (yes, there is still some to go through!), to start organizing the office supplies unearthed into an easy to maintain system, to pick a nice lamp for reading (I have many on hand to pick from!), and to start removing some of the larger furniture and perhaps exchanging a few pieces for ones that are more usable for my needs.
What do you think so far?
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